You made it - welcome aboard!

Congratulations - According to our company culture, we are now YOU!

You have convinced us with your personality and competence. You can look forward to an exciting, challenging and successful time at Antrimon, in which we will work together to develop new innovations and solutions for our customers. 

Let's move forward!

Do you still have questions? We will be happy to answer them.



Most new employees at Antrimon want to get started right away - and we support them.

Your supervisor and your team colleagues will support and guide you. They will answer your questions about your daily work, for example who is who and where the coffee machine is. With his/her help, you can expand your knowledge and skills in a safe and supportive environment - and receive helpful work instructions. Our comprehensive induction programme gives you an insight into the various departments and equips you with the skills, knowledge and tools you need to get started quickly.

Benefit from the familiarisation programmes for our business areas: Sales, Operations, Development, Assembly Manufacturing, Finance, as well as Marketing and make numerous contacts.

The entire Antrimon team welcomes you and wishes you a good start - we look forward to seeing you!

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