Company history

A lot has happened since Antrimon AG was founded in 2003. Back then two, we now have over 50 employees at various locations in Switzerland and Germany. For the vision "leading supplier of innovative mechatronic systems - from a single source", the Antrimon team is committed every day to continuing to write part of the story.

We have compiled our complete history for you below.

To celebrate our 15th anniversary, we made a video that gives you a brief insight into our company. Enjoy watching it!

Company history



On January 6, 2025, our engineering team starts work in Neuhausen am Rheinfall from a new location. We look forward to continuing to write Antrimon's success story at the new address.

BO: Antrimon Group AG
Victor von Bruns-Strasse 19
8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall



Change in the management, Salvatore Coroniti takes over the management as CEO after his role as Deputy CEO.



Expansion of the Board of Directors of Antrimon Group AG with Dr. Andreas Kuhn and Dr. Gery Colombo

Dr. Gery Colombo and Dr. Andreas Kuhn are the perfect addition to our Board of Directors. Gery is a proven specialist in the field of medical technology and life sciences as well as an experienced entrepreneur. With Andreas we have a professional in the field of engineering and new solution business. 


Division of the organisation into three Business Units

  • BU Drive Technologies
  • BU Engineering, which includes project and innovation management
  • BU Contract Manufacturing

The centrally organised Operations Department and Sales were split into these three BUs at the end of 2022.


Handover of the management to the two long-time employees Mo Aakti and Tobias Siebold. The new management team is also strengthened by the arrival of our business unit head of project and innovation management, Patric Könner.

Stefan T. Schimon, who has led the company since its foundation in 2003, will devote himself to the strategic management of the company from July onwards and, as the owner, will continue to support and advise the new management.


Implementation of a central sales office focusing on the core competencies of ANTRIMON Group AG

Consolidation of the design branch in Schönenwerd and the software branch in Pratteln to Neuhausen am Rheinfall


Takeover of project management "Vehicles and Automation" for the Swiss project Cargo Sous Terrain

Merger of all companies of Antrimon Group AG
(Engineering, Management, Motion & Production) with retroactive effect from 1 January 2019


We celebrate 15 years of ANTRIMON!

Our owner & CEO Stefan Schimon gives you an insight into the 15-year company history in a short video.

Many thanks to all well-wishers for their congratulations on our anniversary! We look forward to a continued successful cooperation with you. We were very happy that our business partners and colleagues found the time to toast 15 years of ANTRIMON together with us.

You can find some impressions of the SINDEX here.




ANTRIMON Motion AG (today Antrimon Group AG) has received the ISO 13485 certification for medical products.
Further information and the official certificate can be found here.


Antrimon AG and Servotronic AG merge to form ANTRIMON Motion AG and take care of all matters relating to drive technology. The head office is in Muri AG with a branch in Plan-les-Ouates GE.

Assemtron AG from Muri AG becomes ANTRIMON Production AG and is THE expert in the field of EMS services as well as component manufacturing and cable assembly from small to large series.

TRIKON Solutions AG becomes ANTRIMON Engineering AG. TRIKON Mechatronic AG is fully integrated into the company. ANTRIMON Engineering, based in Neuhausen am Rheinfall, stands for comprehensive product development in the field of mechatronics. 

TRIKON Solutions GmbH becomes ANTRIMON Deutschland GmbH and is responsible for the creative development of mechatronic series products with the perfect industrial design in Germany. 


Assemtron AG (today Antrimon Group AG) takes over the company EPGZ GmbH from Hinwil, which has a lot of experience especially in THT assembly and press-fit technology.

On 31.12.2015, Antrimon Holding AG and TRIKON Holding AG were merged to form Antrimon Group AG.


Foundation of the subsidiary Antrimon US Inc. in Jacksonville


Foundation of Antrimon Holding AG with Stefan T. Schimon as CEO & VRP and integration of Antrimon AG and Assemtron AG (today Antrimon Group AG) into the holding structure.

Expansion of the drive technology laboratory with a fully equipped test bench for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

Integration of Servotronic AG from Plan-les-Ouates GE (servo drive specialist in apparatus engineering and mechanical engineering) into Antrimon Holding AG.

3-day anniversary event for the 10th anniversary of Antrimon AG and Servotronic AG celebrates its 20th anniversary


Relocation of the companies Antrimon AG and Assemtron AG (today Antrimon Group AG) from Luzernerstrasse 91 to Gotthardstrasse 3, 5630 Muri, Switzerland.

Opening of the business park Gotthard 3 - competence in mechatronics with a floor space of 5'000m2, a seminar centre and fitness centre.


Foundation of Assemtron AG (today Antrimon Group AG) through a management buyout 


Opening of the drive technology laboratory at Antrimon AG (now Antrimon Group AG) with state-of-the-art test benches for tests and analyses of all kinds Establishment of the technical department.


Introduction of the ERP SAP Business One


Foundation of Antrimon AG (today Antrimon Group AG) by Stefan T. Schimon with a total of 3 employees.

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