Control panel railway

Development of the latest generation of a control unit for the rail transport sector

From the idea to series production in nine months: Antrimon develops and produces a high-quality operating unit for the transport sector. Our experienced specialists developed a reliable solution, optimally adapted to the customer's needs.

Safety and quality are our top priorities. In the construction, our experts focused on a plastic of the highest fire protection and the design was developed in such a way that even visually impaired persons can easily read and operate the display.

In our in-house laboratories, we carry out a wide range of tests to ensure functionality under all conceivable circumstances.  

Control unit railway
Control unit railway
Project management
Drive technology
Test lab


  • Projektleitung
  • Anforderungen gemäss Kundenbedürfnis erstellen


  • Ideensuche für verzögerte Y-Δ Umschaltung
  • Begründete Favoritenauswahl mit Kunde
  • CAD Design
  • FEM Auslegung des federnden Zahnsegments
  • Prototypen Beschaffung


  • Validierung der Simulation und Use Cases
  • Auswahl des passenden Dämpfers hinsichtlich Schaltzeit


  • Aufbau von Prototypen
  • Anpassung der Produktionswerkzeuge




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